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New photos  here May15, here May 22, here May 31, here June 6, and here June 17 and here July 16, 2024 (captions in red)
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Unknown flowers at the west end of the San Joaquin River Trail Phecelia, awide-spread foothill flower Fiesta flowers and fiddlenecks make an impressive display
Unknown flowers at the west end
of the San Joaquin River Trail
Phecelia, a wide-spread foothill flower Fiesta flowers and fiddlenecks
make an impressive display
Lupines on the west end of the San Joaqurin River Trail 1
Lupines were spectacular on the west  end of the San Joaquin River Trail in the spring of 2017
A thick patch of birds eye
gilia near Eastman Lake
Cream cups Unidentified, but the flowers
look like a lupine relative
Chlorophyll-free snow plant emerges
before the last snow melts
A tiny spider occupies this bright yellow flower Mustang clover is at its peak
at the San Joaquin Gorge
Buckeye in full bloom
This natural bouquet includes madia,
mustang clover and golden brodiaea
Buckeye blossom, just getting started Buckeye in full bloom
Harlequin lupines, one of the
more unusual varieties
Buttercups are recognized by
the shiny yellow of the blossoms

A never-before-seen mutant
variation of the Mariposa lily

Blazing Star, a spectacular
flower about four inches across
A different angle Farewell-to-Spring along
Trimmer Springs Road
Lupines were spectacular in the hills of Madera County in May of 2017
This flower, at Ahwahnee Hills Park,
was one I'd never seen before
This one too Owl clover in the hills of Madera County
The rare yellow variety of Mariposa lily White owl clover, not really a clover This delightful flower is the
yellow-throated gilia
A flower I'd never seen
before, near Millerton Lake
Elegant clarkia near Millerton These flowers grow on a low bush
that was plentiful near Millerton


Chaparral in the Sierra foothills Another of those famous "Unknowns" Lupines by Highway 33
You can never have too many
pictures of Mariposa lilies
See what I mean? Pink-tinted white lupine

Yellow violets in Sequoia National Park

Completing the three colors found
in the Sierra, a purple Mariposa lily

Mariposa Lily 2018 by Wes Thiessen


This small but beautifu
flower needs a name

An unusual flower seen near Black Rock Reservoir on the Kings North Fork 

Unknown flowers along
the road to Black Rock

We spotted this lovely
specimen in Nelder Grove
Azalea bush in full bloom at California Flats Close-up of a blossom
Western wall flowers range
from yellow to deep orange
Bridge penstemon seem to
appear in every rock crevice
Wavyleaf Indian paint brush
Flower along Feather River Another unidentified flower in the
Feather River Canyon
Flowers along the road through
Lassen National Park
A dramatic flower, name unknown Flower in Russian Gulch State Park near Mendocino In Jug Handle State Park,
Mendocino County
Blackberry blossoms in northern
California's King Range
These flowers decorate the Mendocino Headlands State Park Another of the famous "unknown" flowers
Tall lupine along the trail above Kaiser Pass (by Wes Thiessen) Redwood sorrel Datura at Hensley Reservoir
Fiddleneck close-up Chinese houses and daisies

Common madea with a purple brodiaea for contrast

This flower needs to be identified Globe lilies Flowering bush along Trimmer Springs Road
Snow plant at Wawona Meadow Unidentified flowers near the edge of town (Parkfield CA) Rare white variation of farewell-to-spring, possibly a mutation

A spectacular late spring
delight, Athurial's Spear

Suggested names welcome Mountain pride or bridge penstemon
Who can identify this unusual plant? (Seen at Buffin Meadow near Fish Camp) Another flower needing a name Western columbine along the McGurk Meadow Trail in Yosemite National Park
Larkspur at McGurk Meadow A delicate white meadow flower Applegate's paintbrush in McGurk Meadow
Mountain phlox A big bunch of western wall flowers Columbine in Nelder Grove
Massive field of shooting stars
in a Yosemite meadow
Lavender lupine Fantastic unknown flower in Nelder Grove
Lassen paintbrush, a species unique to Lassen National Park Another striking flower in Lassen Park Lupines at Green Cabin Flat campground by the Kings River
Poppies and Pine Flat Lake Fiddlenecks and Little Dry Creek Popcorn flowers turn the field white
A rarely seen flower, ham & eggs Close-up Chinese Houses and Common Madea
Foothill gilia The rarely seen Five Spot A bunch of them, at Striped Rock Ranch Preserve, Mariposa County
Cream cups Dogwoods just forming buds An invasive species, but beautiful
Red clover Mustang clover We found this unknown flower near
the top of Buena Vista Peak in
Kings Canyon National Park

The last of the azaleas in Nelder Grove, July 2019

Wild rose in Nelder Grove Redbud by the road to the San Joaquin Gorge
Bush lupine near Winton Park
in Fresno County
Lupine close-up A rare white shooting star
A fantastic display of bush lupines
A fantastic display of fringed redmaids Fiddlenecks by Pine Flat Lake A rare flower known as "ham & eggs"
Fiddlenecks and popcorn flowers at Sycamore Picnic Area by Pine Flat Fiddlenecks, purple vetch and
phecelia by Pine Flat Lake
Looking down at redbud and the Kings River
Poppies paint the hillsides above the upper Kings River Close-up
Popcorn flowers beside
Trimmer Springs Road
Succulent in rock cliff above the Kings Available in white or yellow,
these flowers grow thick along
urban trails and suburban roads
This little flower has a precarious spot in a parking lot by Pine Flat Lale Poppies were late but ultimately
sensational in the spring of 2020
Mustang clover and poppies
Lupines and poppies vie for dominance
along Mill Flat Creek
We need help identifying this showy flower Here's a close-up
These orange succulents were thick in the rock cliffs near the Kings River Is this a mutant blue lupine? Or just faded? Another spotted variation of farewell-to-spring
This appears to be an unusual variation
of farewell-to-spring
A nice crop of blazing star Yerba santa, AKA wild peach
Yerba santa up close Dogwood along Highway 41 Snow plants at Gray's Mountain Camp
Dandelions at Gray's Mountain An unidentified 1-inch blossom  Chaparral at Nelder Grove
These flowers look like someone
scattered pink dust across the ground
A closer view These high elevation lupine plants
grow up to six feet tall
Flowers near Mariposa Gorve in Yosemite Flowers by Rock Creek near Dinkey Creek Plant from a Star Trek planet?
Yellow bush lupines near the California coast Close up of lupines Flower near Mendocino
Purple flowers on Point Cabrillo More Point Cabrillo flowers Flower in Richardson Redwood Grove
  Dove Lupines at San Joaquin Gorge   Spring 2021 at Little Dry Creek   Madea and Chinese houses
along Trimmer Springs Road

Each petal on these flowers
is decorated with a pink dot

These charming flowers were
thick in Sierra meadows in 2021
Rangers Buttons by Big Meadow Road
Fiddlenecks at Sky Harbor Fiddlenecks by Pine Flat Lake Manzanita blossom up close
(by Wes Thiessen)
Unknown Indian paint brush Birds eye gillia
Lupines scattered down a
hillside near Pine Flat Lake
Lupines and poppies near Big Creek Bush lupines in fine form
Evening primrose, Arches National Park Milk vetch High desert flowers near Mono Lake
Another Mono Lake flower Probably monkey flowers The ubiquitous "daisy-like" flower
A never-before seen flower on
Highway 168 below Shaver Lake
A closer look Fire weed
Poppies and blue dicks by Pine Flat Lake More blue dicks Another unknown flower
Wes Thiessen has an app on his phone that allows extreme close-ups,
like the two unknown yellow flowers, blue dick, and bird's eye gillia
Ground lupine Another Thiessen masterpiece,
the delicate dove lupine
Extreme close-up of a fringed redmaid
Sierra star Chinese houses Common madea
Fiesta flower Globe lily Lupines by Pine Flat Lake
Unidentified flowering tree A wider view Mustang clover
A variation of farewell-to-spring A whole bunch of globe lilies Foothill gilia
A variation of yellow-throated gilia Wild iris Indian pnks
Unidentified flowers along the Eaton Trail, May 2023
The next three rows are from Utah & Colorado in 2023, mostly Dinosaur National Monument
Possibly yarrow Scarlet globemallow Unknown
These are a small yucca Tufted evening primrose Unknown
This bush graced the Sound of Silence Trail Another unknown And another
Athurial's spear Unknown Penstemon
Prickly poppy near Mono Lake Daisy-like flowers at
Mammoth Lakes driving range
Another Mammoth Lakes flower
California goldenrod in
Sequoia National Park
Field of tarweed on
Road 620 above Oakhurst
Unidentified blossoms at
Courtright Reservoir, summer 2023
Bush lupines by the Raptor
Walk Trail near Pine Flat Dam
Blue dick near Pine Flat Lake Dove lupine
Baby blue eyes Fiddleneck Popcorn flower
Dove's foot geranium
AKA woodland geranium
This lupine grows as a large, many-branched plant with pale blue flowers Climbing brodiaea blossom up close
One of those "daisy-like" flowers Close-up of a foothill gillia A very nice globe lily
These unknown flowers were
thick along a foothill trail
The property owner reported this was the best display ever of harlequin lupines
This one remains unidentified Yerba Santa is a common
shrub all over the Sierra foothills
Blazing star boasts
dramatic 4-inch blossoms
Chamomile blossom Blackberry blossom Wild Iris
Penstamon Ladybug demonstrates
how tiny these blossoms are
Dogwood in Nelder Grove, June 2024
Wild iris, Mendocino County We called this the Chinese Lantern flower Seen in Russian Gulch State Park



All photos copyright © 2002-2024 by Dick Estel and credited photographers. Permission granted for personal use only; commercial use prohibited.


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Updated July 18, 2024