Sharp-shin hawk at Hawk Ridge banding station, Duluth Minnesota, August 2013

 Giblets - the Cat in the Cap

Dick's Animal Pictures

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They're not all "cute and cuddly," but these are all photos of real animals doing real things.

New photos here June 17, 2024 (captions in red)

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A tasty tidbit? Buzzard over Sierra foothills Hummingbird at feeder Egret in deodar cedar tree, central Fresno CA
Deer harvesting the garden Chipmunk in Red Fir Condos Ground squirrel in Yosemite Rabbit in the yard
How Furry Lewis observed
his 10th birthday party
Furry hanging around the burn barrel Susie, fierce watch cat Noodles, August 2002, part of the Tiger Trio
Noodles, September 2002 Noodles, January 2003 Stickers Buster (front), Stickers (rear)
(by Jennifer Neely)
Stickers, Winter of 2005-06 (Neely) Stickers in White Face (Neely) Sausage, breaking the "color barrier"   Lucky
Condor   Wild Turkeys in Mariposa Sierra foothills salamander
Lizard banished from the house Lizard on the Colorado Plateau Sierra foothill Lizard Ohio pond frog
Rattlesnake, Sierra foothills Gopher snake, foothills  Baby rattler (1 foot long) Spider web in rocks by a creek
Galapagos Tortoises, Fresno Zoo Sea turtle, Atlanta Aquarium (by Tim Liddle) Tiny turtle (the squares on the
tablecloth are about 1 inch)
Turtle in pond, Lake St. Louis MO
Butterfly 5 Butterfly 9 Butterfly 18 Black Widow
Caterpillar, Ohio Blond Wooly Bear, Kansas Dragonfly on the wire Tarantula near Pine Flat dam, Sierra foothills
Sinister spider (Jennifer Neely photo) Quite an armful! Giblets - the Cat in the Cap (Neely) Giblets attacks Mr. Socks
2008 Tarantula crop Making his escape Pelicans flying above Laguna Beach CA Dolphins feeding off Dana Point CA
  American avocet in pond
by Cholame Valley Road
Steller's Jay at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park Lizard in park
Bar fight at the Neelys Too much TV Deer next to a foothill home
in Oakhurst CA (J. Neely photo)
   Quail near Pt. Reyes visitor center
The buzzards (AKA turkey vultures) come home to
roost at Hensley Reservoir, Madera County CA
Bird in flight near Bodega Bay Elephant seals taking it easy at Jenner, CA
Gull at Mendocino Headlands Seagull on patrol Pelican at RV park in Shelter Cove, CA Wild turkeys near Oakhurst, CA
Butterfly dining OK, who left the garage door open?
(by Bev Williams)
Blue jay near Oakhurst CA Siamese siesta
Alpacas in Gilroy Beef cow at San Joaquin Gorge Little Hombre naps by the
pump house after a good walk

Nothing like rolling on the
pavement on a warm spring day

Noodles stands guard (Rod Neely photo) Ants in the Sierra foothills The dark stripe is a path worn
by thousands of ant footsteps
Banana slug on the trail,
Russian Gulch State Park
A rare sighting - baby seagulls "Hey ma, time for dinner!" Back yard deer at Ft. Bragg CA Pelican flyover, Ft. Bragg
Tarantulas go forth in the
fall in search of mates
Camels at Mojave Narrows
Park, Victorville CA
A rare sighting of a turtle near
Pine Flat Lake, Fresno County
Butch the Cat of Duluth MN
(April 1, 1992 - May 24, 2013)

Butch, ready to ship (Butch photos
by his person, Linda Estel)

Vulture soaring over the Alabama Hills What are YOU lookin' at? Sputnik (originally Dusty), the newest
Neely cat, summer 2013 (by J. Neely)
This gopher excavated next to my feet for several minutes at a bluegrass festival Young bear on the High Sierra Trail,
Sequoia National Park, September 2013
Buck feeding near Wuksachi
Lodge in Sequoia Park
Sharp-shin hawk at Hawk Ridge banding station, Duluth Minnesota, August 2013
Red tail hawk near Hensley Lake, Madera County CA Hawk airborne Rabbit "hiding" in the brush Duck looking for a handout

Horned Lizard, Valley of
Fire State Park, Nevada

Alleged feral cat, part of a colony
along the Old Town Trail in Clovis CA

Another suspect "I am NOT a feral cat - feed me!"

Observer along the Clovis Old Town Trail

Bird with yellow spot Bluebird Black headed bird
Woodpecker on a branch
Turkey vulture next to Trimmer
Springs Road, Fresno County
Woodpecker near Pine Flat Reservoir A peanut for Nosy, the Fresno
Zoo's beloved first elephant
Rusty thinks there's nothing
like a nice, tasty pine cone
Butterfly on dandelion,
Great Basin National Park
Foot tall ant hill in Baker, NV Squirrel in the meadow near Devil's Postpile Antelope in Dinosaur National Monument, CO
Cottontail rabbit in northwest Colorado Pigmy rabbits in Dinosaur
National Monument, Utah

Otis and Amos, hound dogs of Missouri

Lizard in Dinosaur National
Monument, Colorado
In Swanton, Ohio, it IS easy being green  Blue Heron patrolling
Wampler's Lake in Michigan
At the 2014 Mariposa County Fair Eurasian Owl
Falcon Turkey vulture A closer view

Squirrel posing in park in Clovis CA

Raven over Yosemite At least 50 ground squirrels were at work
in this field along Highway 1 in Big Sur

Elephant seals at San Simeon,
doing what they do best

Lunch time
Ducks, egrets and geese in canal in Clovis CA, May 2015

Mother & Father Goose and babies

This toad visited my front
porch in summer 2015
Longhorns, Sierra foothills

Egret by Dry Creek Canal in Clovis

Bear feeding on young
plants in a Sierra meadow
Two more bears at the "lunch counter" Frog in Dry Creek Canal, Clovis CA Duck in Helm Canal
Bobcat along Road 400 in Madera County A "zoomed in" view Wondering if there really is
such a thing as a free lunch
Toad on Clovis canal bank
Chipmunk in Yosemite, August 2015 Cat annoyed at having
his breakfast interrupted

The fine line between dead and lazy

The hunter
Lady cools off and gets
a drink at the same time
Drought means expensive
hay instead of natural grass

Rare Kaibab squirrel,
Grand Canyon North Rim

 Deer in the sage brush at Mono Lake
Horses at Red Cliffs Lodge, Colorado River Canyon near Moab Utah
Rare sighting of a kingfisher
 by the Dry Creek Canal

Geese find something to
eat in the dry flood basin

"You can't see me"

Blue Jay foraging by
the Old Town Trail

A good old-fashioned cattle
drive, near Raymond CA
Egret in flight One of at least two hundred millipedes
we saw at the San Joaquin Gorge
Horses at Harris Ranch
on Trimmer Springs Road
Frog from the pond at San Joaquin Gorge Horses by Little Dry Creek
along Highway 168
Cattle by Big Dry Creek just down the road

Birds enjoy a rain-filled
flood basin in Clovis

Western pond turtle at the
Center for River Studies
Snake in the grass

Canada Geese over Hensley Lake

Frog along San Joaquin River Trail

Eagle's flight Quail on the march Ant hill on the San Joaquin
River Trail above Finegold
Not the animal, but signs that he was here
Rabbit on the Parkfield-Coalinga Road Enjoying a juicy weed Monarch butterfly on the Lewis Creek Trail Toad on the Dry Creek
Canal bank, spring 2016
Gray squirrel, Wawona
Meadow Trail in Yosemite
A robin finds something yummy
beside the Dry Creek Canal
Toad at Cambridge Terrace
Condos, June 2017
Literally a leaping lizard
Rabbits and rider along the Eaton Trail Quail on the fence at Hallowell
Center for River Studies
Marmot checking out the
tourists at Tokopah Falls
Wild Turkey
(by Susan Crandall)
Buzzards drying their wings (Crandall) Butterfly in the Giant Sequoia
National Monument
Chipmunk near Courtright Reservoir Ladybugs mass together
in preparation for winter
Woodpecker busy storing
acorns for the future
Pinacate beetle, AKA stink bug Heron at Hume Lake Pelicans have become regular
visitors to this flood basin
Lots of egrets A big pile of ladybugs in Nelder Grove Even more ladybugs Cows in the trees keep a
wary eye on the photographer
Hawk soars near the San
Joaquin River at Friant
And then perches on a post
to have his portrait taken
Like swallows to Capistrano, geese
return to the flood basins of Fresno
Frog in pond at the San Joaquin Gorge
Bald eagle near Pine Flat Lake After we watched each other
for a while, he soared off
"Come into my parlor..." Close up of a member of
class Oligochaeta
Jasper on the alert
Snake at the Dinkey Lakes area in the Sierra Rattlesnakes fighting near Eastman Lake Jasper on the alert A tiny spider occupies this bright yellow flower
Parkfield, a one-horse town Wait a minute, there's another one!

Bear by the Kaweah River
in Sequoia National Park

Same bear, IN the river
Marmot, relaxing Marmot, wondering why we disturbed his nap Cottontail rabbit by the Lewis Eaton Trail The Goose Family enjoys a walk
on the Old Town trail in Clovis
A major goose gathering Mom and child, out for a morning
walk in Lassen National Park
"Wait up, ma!" North American river otter in the Feather River
The animal wasn't home,
but left a delightful large web
Chipmunk in Montgomery
Woods poses for his portrait

Our neighbor at Sheep Creek Campground in Cedar Grove

Three deer that visited our camp
in Grant Grove in October, 2017
Bobcat, Mariposa County, 2017
(Susan Crandall photo)
Rabbit on the Lewis Eaton Trail
near the San Joaquin River
Ducks doing a circle dance This frog is the perfect
color for his surroundings
Dinner time Watching "Breaking Cat News"?

Mr. Toad lived in our back
yard for a year in the 1960s

Snow leopard at Cat Haven
One of Cat Haven's cheetahs  Marmot mom and baby Boss Bird strutting near the
Kings River (Wes Tthiessen)
Ruffled grouse in Yosemite
Steller's Jay at McArthur-Burney State Park Wild turkeys at China Camp
State Park near San Francisco Bay
Baby rattlesnake at Hensley
Reservoir, November 2018
Geese on a Clovis flood basin
March of the cattle

Massive flight of birds over
the San Joaquin Valley

Mounted Fresno PD officers on a
training ride at the Jensen Ranch 
Bo stalks the wild turkeys
Happy cows on the hills above Pine Flat Raven in Arches National Park, Utah

Buffalo on a small ranch
on Utah Highway 24

Big mama, big baby
Birds on the wire Taking the kids to the park Geese on Lake Millerton Thanksgiving for the Neely Cats:
Pebbles, Mr. Bibs, and Bam Bam
A flock of ravens above Lake Millerton Woodpeckers were busy
on a January day in 2020
Blue Jay flight near Lake Millerton Curious cows at the Dry Creek
Preserve in Tulare County
Cows going somewhere important Red Tail Hawk above the Eaton Trail Western pond turtle near the
San Joaquin River Center
Eagle flight
Cows enjoy spring grass along
Trimmer Springs Road
Mr. Bibbs on the wood pile Ducks at Manzanita Lake near North Fork Bird's nest at North Fork Ranger Station
Geese on the Enterprise Canal in Fresno Eagle standing guard above the nest  Big babies
This colorful fellow is a western tanager Gopher snake at Ahwahnee Preserve Parents keep watch on the kids
swimming in the Dry Creek Canal
Sandpipers at San Simeon
Elephant seals near San Simeon Neely cats new for 2021 - Newton and Peanuts Turtles in pond at Ahwahnee Hills Park
Juvenile western skink Baby birds, in the shell This handsome fellow was fence-sitting
across from my garage in November 2022
This cat greeted us when we arrived
for a hike at the Finegold Picnic Area
Peanut and Newton, ready
for a hike on the leash
High Falutin' Newton Bald eagle at Millerton Lake, January 2023
(Both eagle photso by Wes Thiessen)
He posed for a while, then
had enough and took flight
This little green frog is at home in a tiny seasonal creek above Pine Flat Lake Yosemite, May 2023: 100 yards across a flooded meadow, this bear gave
us a brief look, then went back to the important task of foraging for breakfast
Turtle at Ahwahnee Hills Park (Crandall)
One of the world-famous Oatman burros They make themselves at home in town Nearby, a rare sighting of a bighorn Pteranodon, not found alive
anymore, but still an animal
Rattlesnake on the Bass Lake Dam Goat by the Dry Creek Canal in Clovis CA The little one grazed lying down Ladybug demonstrates
how tiny these blossoms are
At the Chaffee Zoo, Fresno CA
Feeding the giraffe (Teri Liddle photo) Lunch time Resting 'roos Looks good in stripes
Living lawn ornaments

The endless hunt for more ants

Enjoying a dust bath Sea Lion
Flamingos in 2015 African spurred tortoise Donald Trump imitator Cheetahs have room in the
new African Adventure exhibit

The rhinos also enjoy
spacious new quarters

African elephants Cheetah up close in 2016 Lots of room for giraffes to
roam, and trees to munch
Rhino doing what rhinos do Elephants still enjoying a spacious area Living up to his "King of the Jungle" billing Even with thick glass in
between, this is scary!
Buster (front), Stickers (rear)

Cheetah up close in 2016


All photos copyright © 2002-2023 by Dick Estel or other credited photographers.

Permission granted for personal use only; commercial use prohibited.



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Updated June 17, 2024