George & Catherine Honeberger Gasche

Gasche Family

Including Dickason & Provines Families


This page is dedicated to the ancestors and descendants of George W. & Esther Dickason Gasche 

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Thanks largely to my second cousin, Nancy Brockhoff Dzierzawski, I have an extensive descendent chart for Charles Gasche. In addition, recent research on the internet has turned up some additional information which is included below.

My Gasche connection is as follows:

Dick's father Robert Estel
Robert's mother Mabel Clifton
Mabel's mother Aletha Gasche
Aletha's father George W. Gasche
George W's father George Gasche
George's father Charles Gasche

I will refer to the two Georges as "the first George" and "George W," although I believe both may have had the same middle initial.

--Dick Estel, September 2006


Biography and History

Charles Gasche George Gasche George W. Gasche Aletha Gasche

Dickason Family


Charles (Carl) Gasche

(Some of this information comes from the Fulton County Pioneer Society web site,, and was written by Eve (Gorsuch) Gasche wife of William Gasche, the stepson and nephew of the first George. However this account erroneously gives Charles’ name as George, which could have been his middle name. His headstone shows his name as Carl Gashe, although family tradition says he was known as Charles after coming to the U.S. Additional information comes from research by Nancy Dzierzawski.)

Dr. Charles Gasche was born in Wetzlar, Prussia, Germany on December 25, 1776, and was a Prussian Surgeon of good standing in his native country. He married Catherine Eisengarth, who was born in 1782. They had at least seven children, although there are some discrepancies in the information we have. The descendent chart shows four sons older than George, but elsewhere he is described as the fourth son. The chart also lists a "Child Gasche" born in 1805, who presumably died at birth. The chart shows two sons as having been born in 1810, but their ship's passenger list gives different ages for these boys, so this is probably an error.

Dr. Gasche brought his family to America in 1833. They are listed on the passenger arrivals at the Port of Baltimore for the quarter ending June 30. They located first in Cumberland County PA, then moved to Holmes County OH and located on an 80 acre farm which his sons helped to clear. He is also reported to have continued his medical practice in the U.S.

When the Gasches settled in this country, Andrew Jackson was President. Charles said to his older sons “We will join no political party until we have had time to study the political history of the parties of the country.” Dr. Gasche had carefully studied the history of the United States before he decided to emigrate, and before the law permitted him to become a citizen he had made himself and his older sons familiar with the political history of the nation.

Charles died December 24, 1859, and is buried at Ayers Cemetery, corner of Road HJ and Road 19 in Fulton County OH. Catherine died in 1842. Her burial site is unknown.

A distant cousin, Francis Roberson Jr., provided the following information: "I was fortunate to tour the home of Dr. Charles Gasche which is now a bed and breakfast and on the Historical Register.  I took pictures of the portraits on the wall who people thought were Dr. Gasche and his wife."


George Gasche

(See entry for Charles Gasche for the source of much of the following information.)

George Gasche was the fourth (possibly fifth) son of Dr. Charles Gasche and Catherine Eisengarth, and was born in Witzlar, Prussia May 1st 1819.

The family came to America in 1833, when George was about thirteen years old, locating first in Cumberland County PA, where George was apprenticed to a shoemaker, serving this man two years. The family then moved to Holmes Co., Ohio and located on an 80 acre farm which George helped to clear. He worked at his trade of evenings to help secure the money needed to pay for the land in this county, which was to be his permanent home.

In 1840 at the age of 21 years he purchased the farm he owned at the time of his death. Owing to the condition of the country at that time he did not locate here until 1855. But he came each year and worked a month or more improving his land and getting it ready for occupation, making the journeys back and forth on foot.

On New Years day 1847 he married Catherine Honeberger Gasche, the widow of his brother William, also taking the care of his brother’s children, Eliza and William. The Dzierzawski chart shows five children born to George and Catherine, of which George W. was the oldest.

They bought a little home in Holmes Co., and cleared the land and lived there eight years. This house was then sold, their little store of goods stowed away in a canvas covered wagon. The pioneers present are all familiar with the mode of travel of that day and know something of the condition of the roads over which they were obliged to pass and the weather they might expect, when it is told that they started on their journey on the 12th April 1855 and arrived at their destination the 18th.

In his early years George Gasche was generally classed as a Democrat yet he was always an independent voter. When his party nominees or the platform did not suit him, he would vote for that which did suit him, in whatever party he found it. Always anxious to promote the well being of the masses and willing to lend a helping hand to any society or organization which proposed to do this work, it was to be expected by all who knew him best that he would become a staunch Granger when he joined that society when it was first organized in Wauseon.

He served one term as commissioner, being elected to this office by the independent voters of the county. For several years he was a member of the County Board of Agriculture.

George died January 24th 1895, and is buried in Ayers Cemetery, corner of Road HJ and Road 19 in Fulton County OH. Catherine died October 18, 1912 and lies next to her husband.


George W. Gasche

George W. Gasche was born April 1, 1851 in Holmes County, OH. On August 15, 1872 he married Esther Ann Dickason, the daughter of William and Lovina Provines Dickason. They had four children, as follows:

Eda Belle Gashe, born April 29, 1874, died the following day

Louis Gasche, born 1872; married Florabelle Ziglar; died in 1927

Emma Aletha Gasche, born December 16, 1875; married William David Clifton; died August 13, 1959

Russell W. Gasche, born October 14, 1888; married Floy Bess; died February 20, 1968

George W. Gasche kept a diary for several years during his adult life. For the most part, he recorded the routine activities of an Ohio farmer of the day. He did briefly note his marriage and the birth of some of the children. He also reported on a visit to a World's Fair (we can't locate our copy of this document right now, but when it's found, we'll include some additional information).

George W. died in Fulton County OH April 08, 1931, surviving by a quarter century his wife, who had passed away January 19, 1906. Both are buried in Wauseon Cemetery.


Emma Aletha Gasche

Emma Aletha Gasche, who went by her middle name, was born December 16, 1875 in Wood County Ohio. On October 26, 1892, she married William David Clifton, son of John Lumby Clifton and Elizabeth Burnham. They had five children, as follows:

John Lowell Clifton, born April 02, 1893; married three times, first to a Maude (last name unknown); then to Emma Goodwin, and finally to Florence Fauble. He died April 02, 1978

Mabel June Clifton, born June 17, 1894; married Frank Estel; died July 27, 1985

Harold G. Clifton, born June 01, 1897; married Marjorie Holton; died February 09, 1954

Margerie Clifton, born August 07, 1898; married Kenneth Vaughan; died March 14, 1986

Helen Clifton, born October 16, 1904; married Elwood Westgate, then Andrew Rasmussen; died March 1987

Aletha died on August 13, 1959; William David died on August 06, 1958; both are buried in Fulton Union Cemetery. Click here to read William's obituary. Click here to read Aletha's obituary.

Mabel Clifton and Frank Estel are the grandparents of Dick Estel, keeper of this web site; more information can be found on the Estel Family Genealogy Page. See also the Clifton Family web page.


Dickason Family

The Dickason family has been traced to James Dickason, who was born in 1792 in Fayette County PA, and served in the War of 1812. He received a land grant in Perry Township, Wayne Co. OH in the area that later became Ashland County.

As a child James and his siblings were placed with various families when their father re-married.

In May 1817 he married Mary White, born in Erie County PA. They had ten children, of whom our ancestor was William H. Dickason, born November 10, 1822 in Ashland County. William married Lovina Provines on May 2, 1844, and fathered twelve children, including Esther Ann.

Esther Ann Dickason, born May 25, 1853 in Fulton County, married George Gasche August 15, 1872. Information about this family is recorded above.

The ancestry of Lovina Provines is known back to her grandfather Robert, who was born in 1761 in Tyrone, Ireland, and died in Washington County PA. His wife was named Ann. Both died in 1821. Their son Robert married Esther Jenkins and had three children, of whom Lovina was the oldest.


Genealogical Charts

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Pedigrees Family Group Sheets Descendent Charts


Aletha Gasche William Clifton Esther Dickason
Family Group Sheets
George W. & Esther Dickason Gasche William & Aletha Gasche Clifton Frank & Mabel Clifton Estel
Robert & Hazel Mason Estel James & Mary White Dickason William H. & Lovina Provines Dickason
Matthew & Ann Provines Robert & Esther Jenkins Provines  
Descendent Charts
Charles & Catherine Gasche James & Mary Dickason Matthew & Ann Provines
William & Aletha Clifton Frank & Mabel Estel George & Esther Gasche
Gasche Family Dr. Charles (AKA Carl) Gasche George & Catherine Honeberger Gasche
Gasche Family (click for name identification) Dr. Charles (AKA Carl) Gasche George & Catherine Honeberger Gasche
George W. Gasche Esther Dickason Gasche George W. Gasche with children Russell and Aletha, about 1925
George W. Gasche Esther Dickason Gasche George W. Gasche with children Russell and Aletha, about 1925
Russell Gasche, George Gasche, Harold Clifton, Mabel Clifton Estel Dickason Family Russell Gasche, Floy Dickason, Annette Dickason, Aletha Gasche   Clifton, William Clifton 1940
Russell Gasche, George Gasche, Harold Clifton, Mabel Clifton Estel, Lloyd Shad at “Uncle Louis’ House at Grandpa Gasche’s” Dickason Family (click for name identification) Russell Gasche, Floy Dickason, Annette Dickason, Aletha Gasche Clifton, William Clifton 1940
George & Mary Gasche 1860 George W & Esther Dickason Gasche George W Gasche home 1890
George W. Gasche and his sister Mary, 1860 George W & Esther Dickason Gasche George W. Gasche home, about 1890
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George W. Gasche with children Russell and Aletha, about 1925



Genealogy Pages

Watkins Family

Mayer Family
Mason Family Estel Family
Clifton Family Gasche Family
Genealogy Home Page Watkins Family History


Updated January 26, 2019