GEOS Copying Tip By William E. Robblets If you have files on Drive A that you are going to copy to drive B, instead of dragging the "Multi-File" to Drive B and clicking, you can copy the files as intended by simply pressing the F2 (shift F1) function key. This works if you want to copy a single marked file or several marked files from Drive A to Drive B. To reverse this and copy from Drive B to Drive A press the F1 function key. I have tested and used the above tip for copying files only on the regular Desk Top of GEOS 128 version 2.0. No other GEOS versions have been tested as of this writing including C-64 versions. (From GEOS Publication, February 1997; copyright 1997 William E. Robblets, used by permission; via The Commodore Information Center web site ( )