COMPUTER MAD-NESS Lloyd F. Warren found this in the 1990 Special Summer issue of MAD magazine, in a section that takes pot-shots at all kinds of activities (bowling, video games, football, etc.), people (Michael Jackson, Joan Rivers, Jesse Jackson, etc.), companies (MTV, Japanese auto makers, etc.). The one we're concerned with is called HOME COMPUTERS and reads as follows: HOME COMPUTERS ...are valuable to any housewife who wants to keep a permanent record of her old grocery lists. ...let you put data that would normally fill a filing cabinet into a machine that takes up more room than that filing cabinet. ...are the only $500 home appliances that are useless without $3000 worth of optional accessories. ...provide us with the advanced equipment we need to make the same dumb mistakes that business and government agencies have been making for years. ...are manufactured by companies that may soon go broke because their computers failed to tell them they were making too many computers. From "The Interface," newsletter of Fresno Commodore User Group , April, 1990